
Fight The Dragon

Fight The Dragon is a community-created action RPG where players and their friends explore adventures made by other community members in the in-game Adventure Construction Kit. FTS can be played in single-player, split-screen with two controllers and with 4 players online.
FIght The Dragon won the Technical Excellence award and was a finalist for the Innovation Award at the Australian Game Developer Awards in 2014.
Fight The Dragon released on Desktop(Win/Mac/Linux) in Steam Early Access in March 2014, released out of early access in Dec (2014). It was maintained and actively developed until 2016. Some of my responsibilites included:
-Substantial tool development for players in our level editor
-Complete character movement and combat system (M+KB and Controller)
-Implemented and refined enemy AI and problem-solving in user-generated environments
-UI Development, particularly controller support
-RPG Systems including loot generation, balancing and gear distribution
-Substantial multiplayer logic for split-screen and online modes
-Designed and built most of the levels that shipped with the game
-Extensive work with Animators to handle various humanoid and non-humanoid characters
-Considerable community work and management, communicating directly with players in Steam Forums
Fight The Dragon was built entirely in Unity with C#, and used Photon for networking logic.